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Dashboard Overview
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Written by Crowdsender
Updated over a month ago

Overview Dashboard

You were missing an overview to get at a glance pending tasks?

The goal of this page is to have an operational visualisation of the status of all the boxes to be shipped.

Overview- Crowdsender

📔 Note: The whole dashboard reflects boxes and NOT orders.

Default settings

Pending: Quick filter of all orders with send Date Today | Tomorrow

Analytics: 7 days in the past - 7 days in the future

In transit: 7 days in the past - 7 days in the future

Finalized: 7 days in the past - 7 days in the future


Pending to start: Boxes that have not yet been prepared. This status is independent of the label generation for each box. There may be boxes that have labels but the preparation has not started yet.

Label failed: boxes for which the shipment label cannot be generated due to an error.

In preparation: boxes that are in the packaging process.

Pending dispatch: boxes waiting to be picked up by the courier.


If you need to visualize special boxes you can use the filters

Filters Overview - Crowdsender

Once a filter applied the whole dashboard will be actualised

Pending Today

Shows boxes which have to be processed today

Send date expired: boxes which sent date has expired in the last 7 days.

Pending Tomorrow

Shows boxes which have to be processed tomorrow


Gives you an overview of the total boxes in a certain time range.

Default View: 1 week in the past and 1 week in the future with option to apply other predefined date ranges or a customized one (max 30 days).

Custom date filter:

By clicking on one day in the graph a detail view is opened and you get known how many boxes are still pending.

If the number in the graph is red, it means that you have pending boxes from the past.

The date selected in the date picker is applied to the three graphs below.

In transit

Shows boxes which are in the selected date range on the way to be delivered and the order is not COMPLETED.

In transit - Crowdsender

On route: boxes that have been dispatched from the warehouse and are currently held by the courier. Box status: On route.

Last Mile: boxes scanned by the courier in his warehouse. Box status —> Last mile.

Possible delay: Crowdsender detects that the courier has not sent any update on the delivery for 2 days. Box status —> Possible delay.
Delay: The courier informs us that the order will be delayed in delivery. Box status —> Delay.

Possible incident: Crowdsender detects that the courier has not sent any update on the delivery for 5 days. Box status —> Possible incident.

Incident: The courier informs us that the order cannot be delivered. Box status —> Returned, Damaged, Incident, Destroyed, Lost.

The bars are clickable and you get redirected to the orders detail.


Shows boxes which are in the selected date range are already finalized and don’t need any more actions.

Delivered: boxes with box status Delivered or Depot.

Undelivered: boxes with order status COMPLETED and box status is not Delivered or Depot

Cancelled: boxes with order status CANCELLED

The bars are clickable and you get redirected to the orders detail.

Detail View

By clicking on View, send date expired or the arrow in the analytics detail view you get redirected to the detail view.

Overview Detail - Crowdsender

In this section the default boxes are grouped by date of dispatch. You can add more parameters such as: Courier, Destination, Seller, Warehouse and other custom values (configurable in Company Settings).

CTA View: Redirection to Order table with applied filters.

Link in quantity boxes: Redirection to Track & Trace table with applied filters.

The Picking, packing and dispatch percentages for each line represent the number of boxes in the group that have passed through that stage of preparation.

Group ID: ID assigned to the group at the start of the preparation.

The Error column: Shows the boxes that have given an error in the generation of the label.

%, Errors & Group ID - Crowdsender


Each tab in "Overview" allows you to perform actions on the boxes in that state using the three dots available in each line of every group.

Actions Overview - Crowdsender

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